Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Positive attitude helps us to thrive better in the society and helps us to create a bond with the universe as a whole. The whole world is just a reflection of God's infinite LOVE towards us gifted by His Grace.

KINDNESS is the life giving water for growth. Often this expression "kindness" is misunderstood.

Kindness has its basis in the acknowledgment of our own real qualities, and those of the others.
When we are good to our-self, and in unison and in harmony with our own self , we realize our true, high positive nature, or the confidence to create this through our thoughts and through the transformation of Consciousness, then we also develop love and respect for our own Self.

We shall conduct ourselves to much wisdom and kindness without pressure or constraint. Within us lies the infinite power, tenderness and strength to emerge from the deep confidence in our own greatness. This means that we change all our negative thoughts into positive pure ones, which takes us because nothing pure or great can never emerge from IMPURITY.
Expressed in other words, a tender, loving powerful personality can never arise if we force ourselves compulsion or with the pressure of ambition.

Confidence based on realization and the resulting LOVE and kindness are the strongest forces that ensure our progress and perfection. Once we have this clear picture of our perfection of our highest form before us, we must develop in that direction accordingly.

THOUGHTS ARE CREATORS. What we think about our self, what we deeply imprint in our conscious and do become the same.

The ambitious do not really know who they are or what their own true qualities are hence ambition is a spiritual suicide. Therefore, we are what we think so and do not have to prove that to our self or to others because that would mean EGO.

The ambitious one wants to prove to himself and to others, that he is a good man. He has no clear notion about his real identity. He, therefore remains constantly under tension and becomes inwardly hollow and powerless.

Tension, stress of performance and ambition are forces which pull us down. Even when we achieve success under stress, this does not mean we could not have done so or would have achieved less without tension. Oh! on the contrary, if we are relaxed and calm within, and have our goal clear in front of us, we shall also reach the same with a great deal of power, dynamism and with ease be inwardly or outwardly successful.

Healthy ambition is that which is combined with a clear objective attitude and activity, as well as enthusiasm and dynamism. Ambition just to prove one's might and knowledge to the world... just to satisfy one's EGO is again SPIRITUAL SUICIDE and will lead one to psychological problems too. However, ambition is generally brought with tension and worry. Psychosomatic illness are the result.

These people feel overwhelmed by their responsibility and are so involved that they are unable to fulfill their duties with ease, DETACHMENT and inner power. When one is capable of delivering his duties with detachment only then he gains the inner peace and realizes the sense of inner satisfaction.

Ambitions which when wrongly nourished with a sense of PRIDE are forms of high efficiency tensions are like stabbings into ourselves.
Such ambitions makes us hollow and robs us of more of our strength. In order to reduce this feeling we must have the experience of our real quality through Consciousness training.

We should not be out to prove to ourselves th
at we are good, and should consider mistakes as obstacles which we can overcome. In this way we can develop inner strength.


  1. I like your blog.

    Read mine and see what you think.



  2. so nice to read ur blog. Divinity unfolds itself in ur words..........

  3. By Sheer Luck I came here. Glad to come. Read. A spirituality fully peacefying. BookMarked. Thanking You with Best Wishes. Bye.

  4. I agree with Your Thoughts and Add One more thing that, Kindness Automaticaly Increase More Mercy and Love inside Us.
