Wednesday, May 27, 2009


•To love means to serve.
Love, Love and Love the whole world revolves around it and longs for the same. Only when we realize God’s presence in us and his mercy and grace for us do we know the meaning of Love truly. Only then we can share this pure love to others.

True Love is perfect but accepts imperfections, does not expect anything in return, is always self- sacrificing, cares with a true heart, is liberal and exercises free will, is not dominating, forgiving and always ready to yield and give anything - alas! Not asking for anything in return. True Love means to Serve and we as God’s servants should serve others so that we get the pleasure of serving the Almighty

If we try to maintain some material pride or prestige, our ego finds some satisfaction, which is mixed with fear, frustration and envy, and our heart finds no satisfaction. Ego is the aspect which separates an individual soul and is the main cause for the number of negative aspects like pride, fame, jealousy and hatred.

• We should find great love and satisfaction in seeing others advancement, even better than us even if it happens to be our enemies.

• Forgive and forget maintains the dignity and sanctity of love. A devotee who sincerely loves God/Guru reaches that level of spiritual thinking where he is willing to forgive and forget even his worst lots, still waiting to help and save them.

• Material familiarity breeds contempt. Spiritual familiarity breeds Consciousness.(Eternal Conscious). God conscious gives peace to the soul which cannot be attained by mere material aspects of the world.

• A wealthy man is judged by how much he can give himself to others. True wealthy man is he who does something for others by words and deeds. Not by what he accumulates but how much he cares for others and willing to give for charity.

Arrogance repels the Lord; humility attracts the Lord. God loves a humble soul and is always ready to answer his queries, but he desists the Proud and mighty.

• Humility is the ornament which attracts Almighty’s heart. When humble one is like an ornament on the Lord’s neck, His love always abides in him leading in the path of virtues, even though one walks on the deserts or thorns, still His grace will lead him through safely.

• To be proud of one’s sinlessness in front of God is also sin. To pose as not being sinful and being portrayed as being holy in front of God is the biggest sin we commit on Earth.

• Inability to find faults in ourselves is a sign of pride and it is a wall between God and us. Pride and covertness is a wall which separates us from God.

• A person who finds faults in others is a person full of faults.
The best man is he who finds no faults with the other. Our heart is like a mirror, what we perceive we indulge to do the same in actions.

• A person criticizing others is an exhibition of their envy to God.
A soft soul will never criticize others no matter how worst the case may be. One who views the other as a soul will see the divinity in another soul and will give a helping hand to change rather than criticizing the other. This is the truth of a God realized soul.

• All the miseries of material existence follow for those who are attached to sensual life. All sensual pleasures leads us to miseries as it is said --- Desires are the cause of sorrow!

• Struggle is the name of the game as long as we are in this material world. Material prosperity will not give a soul Peace but the realization of the Power within us gives peace.

• It is not the light that is needed in this world but the warmth because we will die out of cold but not out of darkness.
It is said Light the lamp of your heart and see that God resides in You. Do not die a death where you will go into an unknown sphere. Trust God and love him with all your soul and heart and then realize him when living on the Earth to create a bond with him.

• Success in spiritual life lies not in being the best, but doing the best. Always try to do the best in life. Good deeds certainly are the fruits which can help us now and beyond and help us to cross the Ocean of Samsara, and brings us closer with the Eternal. Fruits like mercy, love, compassion, honesty, humility, forgiving and forbearance, selflessness and sacrificing are the fruits of a humble soul. They help one to lead the best spiritual life. Not alone preaching but follow the same.

Mercy means “To get what we don’t deserve”. Its always that the word “Mercy”, has more meaning and is associated with Divine Grace.

• Real intelligence does not mean the ability to explain material phenomenon better but the ability to distinguish between truth and illusion and to cut a choice between them.

• Real independence is to declare our dependence on God.

• Advancement in God Consciousness depends on the attitude of the follower.
One can advance in God consciousness the more he trusts and depends on his Lord, not a trace of self or ego should be found and then he becomes one with the eternal. Surrender to his Guru leads one to attain this easily.

• Simply change of situation or service can give temporary satisfaction but not shelter.
Service gives immense pleasure, when done for the satisfaction of the Ego. If the service is done as a sacrifice and offering to the Lord with sincerity which brings eternal satisfaction and creates state of Bliss and satisfaction for the Soul.

Human birth being noblest of all creations has something more than material life.
we are here for selfless service,like charity, and other noble deeds quenches the thirst of the soul and erases the cycle of birth and death and ultimately unifying with the Divine aspect.


  1. Rohini,

    Hey! very well written and absolutely conveys the truth.
    Anyone going through this site will appreciate it for it conveys lots of strength.

    one should have time to allot time and read.


  2. Hi,

    Thanks Praveen for your comments.
