Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Food is the source of energy and is believed to be the main cause for survival and no one can deny it, all cherish it the rich and the poor, the wise and fools alike!!

Avoid foods that cause subtle allergies - Food habits can cause allergies and can induce different thinking in a person’s mind.

Caffeine - Though most of the people relish it for its taste and an instant energy booster, Students usually drink it and especially before exams showed higher test scores. Too much Caffeine leads to poor quality decisions - making. Caffeine affects individuals differently, and has some nasty long-term side effects for some of us, but short-term - it works!

Avoid sugar - Sugar as most of the people love it for its taste, causes “brain fog”. “Sugar blues” gives sluggish feeling makes it hard to think clearly.

It results from the insulin rushing into the bloodstream to counteract the sugar rush. Avoid pasta, sugars, white bread and potato chips before any important mental tasks.

Avoid too much fat - In laboratory studies, animals consistently learn slower when they are on a diet high in fat. Type of fat may make a difference, so you may want to stick to using olive oil and other non-saturated fats. Saturated fats have been shown to actually stunt the growth of brain cells.

Eat less - Overeating has the immediate effect of redirecting more blood to the digestive process, leaving less for the brain. Long term, it can cause arterial obstructions that reduce blood flow to the brain permanently. In at least one study, rats on a restricted-calorie diet had more brainpower.

Avoid suspect foods - There is evidence that the following foods can be bad for your brain: Artificial food colorings, artificial sweeteners, colas, corn syrup, frosting, high-sugar drinks, hydrogenated fats, sugars, white bread, and any white-flour products.

Eat breakfast -
When kids who didn't eat breakfast started to eat it, researchers found that their math scores went up a whole grade on average. In fact, breakfast is an essential brain booster tonic for all.

Avoid diabetes - The development of diabetes coincides with a dropping of IQ scores.

Eat foods high in antioxidants -
Antioxidants protect all your cells, including brain cells. Some of the foods highest in antioxidants include - prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, garlic, kale, cranberries, strawberries, spinach, and raspberries. In one test, rats had age-related mental decline reversed by eating the equivalent of a 1/2 cup of blueberries per day.

Drink wine -
In moderation, red wine can be good for the brain, it seems. It is rich in antioxidants, which protect brain cells. One glass per day for women and two for men is usually considered a safe and moderate amount.

Alcohol in moderation - In a study at the University of Indiana School of Medicine, elderly light drinkers (fewer than 4 drinks per week) scored higher on tests of thinking abilities than non-drinkers. Those who drank 10 or more drinks per week scored lower. It is known that alcohol can kill brain cells, so moderation seems to be the key.

Folic acid - According to one study, 200 micrograms of folic acid, the amount found in 3/4 cup of cooked spinach, alleviates depression and reverses memory loss. Take it everyday in your food list.

Potential brain foods -
Other foods that may be good for your brain include - bananas, lean beef, brewer's yeast. broccoli, brown rice, Gram sprouts, cantaloupe, cheese, chicken, collard greens, eggs, flax seed oil, legumes, oatmeal, oranges, peanut butter, peas, potatoes, romaine lettuce, salmon, soybeans, spinach, tuna, turkey, wheat germ, and yogurt.

Vitamin E - Jean Carper, in researching her book, "Your Miracle Brain," found that many brain researchers are taking 400 I.U.s of vitamin E daily. It is an antioxidant, and reduces the clogging of blood vessels, including those going in the brain.

Vitamin C - Taken in the form of orange juice in a study at the Texas Woman's University, vitamin C increased the IQ scores of children. It is the best of juices for your brain and glowing skin.

Alpha-lipoic acid - Alpha-lipoic acid (10 to 50 milligrams daily) improves memory and protects nerve cells.

Inositol - This is a safe and natural substance that is often grouped with the B-vitamins. It reduces stress and promotes clear thinking. It contributes to energy production, and so can "wake you up." Animal studies show a measurable increase in physical activity for up to five hours after taking it.

Huperzine A - This is a compound extracted from the Chinese club moss. Researchers both in Israel and the U.S. have used it to treat Alzheimer's. It improves memory and learning an seems to be very safe.

Nuts - Nuts are the best form of rich protein stored in them and very useful for the development and memory skills of the brain and mental power. Nuts that have minerals and amino acids that are beneficial to the brain include almonds and walnuts.

Vitamin supplements - In studies, children scored higher on tests when on a regimen of daily vitamin supplements. "Experts" will tell you that if you eat a balanced diet, you don't need supplements, which, given the culture here, is really just a sales pitch for vitamins, isn't it? Who eats a perfectly balanced diet?

Fiber - It isn't just what goes in, but what comes out that is important to brain function. Toxic build-up in the body and brain can cause "brain fog." Fiber rich food are good for digestion too.

Olive oil - High in mono-unsaturated fat, olive oil has been shown to improve memory.

If one follows the above a lot can be achieved. Try it and then you can make out the difference!


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