Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Man has the power to create through his power of thoughts which he gets abundantly from tapping the Universal force. The power to make your dreams come true exists ‘within’ you, and always has! Therefore, the power of the universe is available to us at all times.

The power of divine love is the power of pure universal life force. This power is equally available to everyone. It is a wonderful experience one has to experience to feel it.

This incredible power of divine love exists within your very own being. The only thing you must do in order to receive its bountiful blessings is to open yourself to it, and to trust in yourself, because your direct and personal access link to this power is found within you. To begin experiencing this divine power in your life, look not with your eyes, but with your soul the inner eye. An open heart, an open mind, a pure intention, and trust in yourself creates a solid foundation for you to connect with this beautiful energy and it's power to connect with divine spirit, the essence of all life.

The brilliant light of Divine Love is filled with healing, peace, abundance, joy, freedom, power, and so much more! Divine Love is incredibly magnetic.

The more in tune you are with Divine Love, the more easily you will attract to yourself that which you desire, also you find the other souls drawn to the magnetic energy which we radiate.

There is enormous power in thoughts. Prayer and Meditation involves the use of thoughts. In prayer we seek/request the help of a higher power, repeating affirmations and/or incantations, etc.

Our thoughts make things happen. The power of our thoughts shapes our lives and the very experiences within our lives. Prayer is thought. Thought is in essence, a form of prayer unto it's self, be it consciously (you are doing it intentionally) or unconsciously (you are doing it without realizing you are doing it). Essentially every single thought we have is a form of prayer!

The main difference between prayer and meditation is that in prayer you are intentionally seeking a direct link with the Divine (Divine Love, God, Goddess, universal life force, whatever you wish to call it) by communicating your thoughts, feelings, desires, etc. directly to the Divine.

Where as with meditation, it is here where the self is revealed. It is more of an opening of oneself to the Divine by clearing one's mind and becoming still within, the conscious act of connecting with the Divine through the sacred silence within oneself.

Some may meditate with music, or to the sounds of nature (birds singing, streams flowing, trees swaying in the breeze, etc., etc.) or by simply retreating into a place of quiet, but nonetheless, regardless of what tools one may use to meditate, the purpose is to become still within oneself and connect with the Divine through sacred silence.

Practicing genuine silence is an excellent method for deeply connecting with the Divine within you. True silence can be very powerful! Embraced within authentic silence is the very presence of eternity -- the eternal moment of 'now' where all existence is contained therein.

Our entire universe is constructed of pure energy. Each molecule and every single atom within our universe all vibrate at different frequencies. Stars, oceans, plants & trees, animals, our spirits, right down to our very thoughts, they are all made of energy. One should know to grasp this concept of tapping this energy where we become one with the Universe and all that exists. Through spiritual energy (divine love) we are already one with ‘all that is’ (including our heart's desires)that means that nothing is impossible.

All it takes to begin utilizing this sacred gift in your own life is to open your heart and mind to the higher power of Divine Love, which is unconditional Love, so sacred and pure!


  1. Hi,

    Universal energy is the main force which can create tremendous changes in the world and in an individual.

  2. Hi,

    Love is the main driving force in the world, but strange we keep searching for the same all the while?

    Good Luck!

  3. Hi,

    Thanks Praveen and Platinum as always you do keep visiting my blogs and keep commenting. I appreciate you for the same.

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the anonymous reader of this blog for your kid comment.

  5. Hi,

    such a nice post, I loved it.
