Thursday, July 30, 2009
The world is governed by a balanced law from time Eternity. Spiritual laws are above human laws and it works without bias, besides the laws created by humans on Earth, there are Laws that govern the entire Creation of God. Laws behind the physical plane of manifestation.
The Law is called 'the Law of Karma'. It is well known in many great Asian cultures. It says in short: "What ever you do to others is coming back to you one day." This Law of Karma applies to all of your thoughts, emotions, fantasy, words and actions.
When you cheat, hurt and do things negative to another soul, anything at the expense or the welfare or health of others, you may suffer the same destiny as you have caused to others. Whatever you do to others is coming back to you. Sooner or later it surely will. This is an absolute law of Creation. It is only that we do not realize the effects of it since it takes sometime for us to view the results and co-relate the same with our thoughts and actions further, we do not want to accept the facts because of our Ego.
The secret to counteract this law is only through - LOVE AND HONESTY.
Jesus has given us a tremendous clue through his wisdom, that we should understand the law with our conscience, and know that we can kill one another with a word, with a glance, or with our will. We can kill without a knife or a gun and he tells us that even these actions and words spoken, that seem so normal, so acceptable, comes under judgment and punishment.
Did he not say - we will reap only what we sow in life. As we do, so shall we reap.
If we continue day after day nursing resentments against our spouse, our co-workers, and continue feeding our anger within our family circle and friends, at every nook and corner way down on the streets right from the sub-way to the freeway, what do you think you are sowing in the field of your life? What seeds are you planting there? What do you expect from those seeds you sown? It's obvious, isn't it? If we plant the seeds of anger, then happiness will not grow there. It's impossible. Yet we expect this!
If we plant the seeds of greed, then contentment will not grow there. It cannot happen that way! If you want to grow green beans you cannot plant a thorn bush, and yet this is exactly what we do, everyday.
Once we deeply comprehend this fact, we can see that we are responsible for the state of our life, we are responsible for the well being of others, we are responsible for everything that we experience in life. Yet, we do not accept the fact, we blame others, everyone else, and we never recognize that the primary person who is at fault for our problems is OURSELVES.
We are all imperfect, with our own unique flaws. Still, we have to make a life together to make our home and life a sweet dwelling place on Earth, interesting and rewarding and the world a beautiful place to live.
You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Love another soul even with all the flaws for God created them all as he did create You and Me, out of his immense love for us.
Friday, July 24, 2009
In Hinduism, the constitution of man contains within himself all the constituents and manifestations of the Universal Self. It is by looking into oneself, by knowing and understanding oneself, one can experience the Truth of the Supreme Self. The Upanishads are rare treasure which unravels the mystery of Life, Birth and the Self.
The mysteries of creation and the mysteries of the Universal Existence of Supreme Self can be known only by knowing the mysteries of one’s own creation and one’s own existence. All the divinities that exist in the universe have their corresponding divinities in the human personality.
The creation and evolution of man is same as the creation and evolution of the entire universe. It is based upon this concept and analogy that the Upanishads unfold to us the grand vision of the Universal Self and the secrets of creation.
The Virat Purusha (manifest world) is the waking consciousness, the visible reality, which we can witness, the Vaishwanara mentioned in the Mandukya Upanishad. Hiranyagarbha the Creator of this world and the various forms in it is the dream state, the ‘Taijasa’, who has all the forms and ideas already existing in him and who manifests reality through his creative ability.
Iswara, the Creative Spirit, the Saguna Brahman, with its manifested divine aspects or attributes - the first Being, "in the beginning when nothing existed", is the deep sleep state called ‘pragna’. Finally, at the highest spirit is Brahman, the Absolute and the state that is beyond sleep, who is Atman, the immortal and transcendental aspect hidden in each of us.
According to Hindu scriptures at the center of man is Atman and encircling it are five different sheaths or bodies. First is the physical body, called variously as the gross body, 'sthula sarira' or 'annamaya kosa'. It is made of food or Earth and contains the senses and the organs of action. From food verily are produced all creatures of Earth. Food verily is the eldest born of beings (
The second is the vital body or the breath body, called pranamaya kosa. Air is the food for this body. Breath is the life of beings (prano hi bhutanam ayuh). It is called sarira atma (the embodied soul of the gross body). It is part of the subtle body, sukshma sarira in contrast to the gross body. The autonomous nervous system is under its control. While a person can easily control the movements of his gross body, the same is not possible in case of his breath body unless he gains mastery over the movements of his breath.
The third is the mental body, called manomaya kosa which uses the five senses and the five organs of action (speech, hands, feet, excretory organs and sexual organs). The breath body and the mental body together constitute the subtle body, or sukhsma sareera. Thoughts are its food.
The fourth is the intelligence body, called vignanamayakosa or buddhi.- intellect. It is the reasoning aspect of man, the discriminatory, regulatory, selecting and directing awareness in us, which provides direction to our activities and shapes our destinies and our very existence. The power of discrimination and which entangles us with the theory of Karma.It is also called the casual body, because it is the cause of an individual's karma. It directs the sacrifice as well as the deeds (vignanam yagna tanute, karman tanute).
The fifth is the bliss body, called anandamaya kosa - blissful state which is transcendental and beyond ordinary human experience. Very few individuals are capable of knowing it or experiencing it, as it is beyond the sensory and mental fields. It is only through restraining of the senses, the mind and the intellect one can gain access to it. It is the very essence (rasa or ether) of our existence for who can live in this world unless there is bliss in the space? (Taittiriya II.7.1).
The sixth is the Atman, the eternal soul, the real self, the very Brahman in its pure microcosmic state. It is the Being, the unchanging, imperishable self in man. It is beyond the senses, beyond all conscious human experience. It is also called Purusha. It is the Truth Body. Words return from it not attaining it along with the mind. He who attains it becomes freed from fear. He is not perplexed or tormented by conflicting thoughts. His mind becomes tranquil.When a human being understands this then he never finds himself segregated from the world, he feel one with the many and all as one.
The first four sheaths, namely, the gross body, the two subtle bodies and the casual body (which is sometimes grouped together with the life and mental bodies as casual body), constitute the Jiva. Jiva is the living element, the product of Prakriti (creation), who comes under the influence of illusion and develops ahamkara or the ego consciousness which gives rise to feelings of separation and alienation from the rest of the creation and failure to perceive the omnipresence of God.When this concept is not understood well, there will be conflicts, hatred, and all vices.
It is the Jiva which together with Atman goes through the chain of repeated births and deaths. While Atman is impervious to change and suffering during this process of evolution, the Jiva remains at the center of desire oriented sensory activity and suffers from its consequences. At the time of death it leaves behind the gross body and goes to the other worlds with his subtle and casual bodies, where after exhausting its karma returns again to take birth in this world in accordance with its previous samskaras or residual memories of its past lives.
The Atman – Soul is a witness to all our activities and no one can deny it.
This is when man is born again to settle accounts with people and things and comes across them in accordance to his Karmic effect and nothing beyond. Relationships as family bonds, friends, and enemies all have to be settled here on Earth, without creating any further Karma.
Ref :
The Taittiriya and Katha Upanishads are important sources of information for our understanding of the constitution of man.
In the Taittiriya Upanishad we come across the description of the various stages of Brahman starting with matter and life (II.2.1), life and mind (II. 2.1), mind and intellect(II. 2.1), buddhi and bliss (II.2.1) and Brahman (II.2.1).
Mandukya upanishad
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The mind is the seat of all actions. We perceive with our eyes but take action in accordance to what we think. An orderly mind does not create obstacles in the path of thinking and does not hinder any success in the external world.
We all know that we have a physical body and the invisible soul power within us. The body is your physical instrument for living in this external world indulging in various activities, causing turmoils in our life. Your mind or internal instrument which is made up of four faculties that function in the interior world - Active mind (manas), Intellect (buddhi), Subconscious - the storehouse of subtle impressions or samskaras (chitta), Ego the sense of “I-am-ness" and "I" (ahamkara).
Mind has five subtle senses and five gross senses to experience the external world—the world of objects. Coordinating the four faculties requires real effort and makes the mind creative, useful, and productive or if not directed properly leads us astray.
The mind should be observed and its functioning in association with the other four subtle senses should be analyzed in day to day life. Always, analyzing one's actions using the power of discrimination and a little everyday introspective process will certainly help one to and take decisions in the right way. Project on every thought within and the action taken on behalf of it, and a little practice will yield better results.
Thoughts emerge as speech, feelings and action. One has to keep track as to what causes them to take such an action and the result out of it whether for the welfare of others or to the person concerned. This way one can classify his actions to be selfish or selfless.
All thoughts have their origin from the mind, let it come and leave. These are brain waves which are created and then moves into the conscious state which materializes into actions. Thoughts may be pleasant and unpleasant churning positive and negative vibrations. Never allow negative thoughts to settle and do not allow yourself to get disturbed. Be friendly to your mind and don't be hostile with yourself with disturbed thoughts.
The Mind is the gateway to happiness, one cannot leave it and go, hence situations, people and places can never make one happy or sad, it all depends on one's mind. If one goes to one of the nature's best spots and yet cannot enjoy nature's beauty or still cannot find peace, the reason being he is still in conflict with his mind.
Hence, one should have the power to control it and think rationally.The mind can transport you to a higher realm of wisdom, and can come in touch with the collective consciousness.
Through meditation the mind is trained. If the mind is not purified with a definite discipline, it will suffer from the age-old epidemic of hallucination. Those who do not know this aspect go on debating with the mind until the last breath of their lives without finding a solution.
The mind remains unruly disorderly, and enveloped in its primitive drama unless it is coordinated in a specified way. An untrained mind interferes with the spontaneous feelings arising from the heart and hence it is compared with the monkey wandering around places. Mind is the cause of both bondage and liberation. A mind with a proper goal and purpose can help one grow within and unveil the mystery of inner life, whereas an undisciplined mind remains dissipated shattering thoughts wildly.
When the focus of the mind is outward, it tries to find peace and happiness from the external world running behind various objects. Lacking inner awareness, the mind refuses the guidance and inspiration of the subtle Divine Force. Having such a mind, one fails to study the inner dimensions of life, and as a result, considers the external world to be the sole reality.
Spiritual lessons and discipline leads one to perfection and helps him attain his goal and unfold one's inner potentials. The method of focusing one's mind at a single point to attain perfection is called meditation. Through meditation, an aspirant withdraws his mind from the external world, focuses on a given internal object, and develops an interest in dwelling within.
Once when an individual attains freedom from distractions originating in the consciousness of the mind, he is able to grasp the thought constructively which originates from the unconscious mind. With proper practice he can tap the inner power within him and then visualize the whole world to be one and the immense LOVE he has for all creation.
Conflicts are not from others or from the outside world. Conflicts arise in the mind. A well trained mind removes all the obstacles and will gradually leads one to the path of love.
Tranquility is what is required for happy living and attaining mastery over training the mind through surrender to God and meditation. Compared to the unconscious, the conscious part of mind is very small; however, there is close interaction between the unconscious and the conscious mind.
An uncultivated brain is a devil's workshop. Never identify yourself with your mind, its objects, emotions, speech, or actions. The doer is different from the deeds. Try to meditate on the eternal principle and remain in eternal delight by establishing yourself in your essential nature that is peace, happiness, and bliss.
When there is complete surrender to the Almighty, the EGO ceases to exist, one develops the capacity to listen to the inner voice of the Soul. It requires enormous courage to accept one's folly and rectify oneself.
Do not condemn yourself in any way. We all do have things to be admired and appreciated but let this not be a step to enhance the EGO. We are torn apart most of the times whether to satisfy our desires or to listen to the inner voice?
The secret lies in not becoming a slave to our EGO, then you can emerge from the confines of body, senses, and mind. Only a profound method of meditation can help to purify the ego. A purified ego does not create barriers. Only after rising above egocentric awareness, can one find the universe within. Only then can one learn to love all and exclude none. One who does not love one’s fellow beings, cannot love God at all.
A true heart searches for deeper happiness and knows the reality that ego is that which separates one from the Reality, the Truth, the ultimate destination to Eternity.
Once ego surrenders itself to the highest Truth, you have attained victory, and spiritual illumination is yours. Soon after the victory over ego, all other virtues, such as love, humility, compassion, selflessness, kindness, spontaneously unfold. These virtues are prerequisites for self-transformation. When these virtues blossom, a human being becomes a saint. These saintly qualities are magnetic waves which can bond the world together with the sacred LOVE.
Once again I would like to remind you that the world is full of LOVE, created out of LOVE and exists because of LOVE. Hence, to lead your thoughts powerfully know the LOVE of the Almighty and surrender yourself to Him to attain peace.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Man is made up of emotions without which he may never become a living being. Emotions have their roots embedded in desire. Without desire one does not do any action. When this desire is not fulfilled he becomes frustrated or turns hostile; or if the desire is satisfied he becomes attached to the same and cannot detach himself from the same.
Thus, when his desire is fulfilled he becomes proud and then slowly segregates himself even from the one's he loves. This is where pride steps in. Now, he prefers to acquire more and more of the same want and he becomes greedy. When greed takes over one does everything to satisfy the ahamkara(EGO); that blinds one from knowing the true Self.
Ego is the bridge which we build out of illusions and segregation, elevating oneself above others paves way for hatred and restricts us from loving each other.
A free soul is always ready to love the other and has the positive aspects of mercy, kindness, patience and has a magnetic influence on others. It has no selfish interests and is error free.
Association with such souls automatically gives peace to the group. The positive vibrations from this soul of higher values counteracts the negative energy vibrated from the other souls and is capable of influencing the weaker souls.
The ego is that aspect which separates us from God. It restricts our free and full flow of Divine Love towards one and all.The bridge which is built by Ego - bonded by illusions and segregation of oneself, elevates oneself is nothing but a magnification of the Egoistic concept in us.
Only pure LOVE without a selfish goal can destroy the emotions caused by Ego like fear, stress, anger, jealousy, sexual tension or frustration, varied emotional aspects on the mind.
We may claim that we belong to one of the aristocratic societies, the world's best cultures and traditions yet we cannot love the other souls without limitations. Truly, we are unable to love anyone because of our Ego which stands as a barrier.
Ego creates spiritual blockades in our journey of life and acts as stumbling block in our way to rise higher to become truly human in thoughts and actions. It is the false mental satisfaction one derives for a certain amount of time by performing acts which help him to be recognized as someone superior.
Has not our scriptures told us this Kathopanishad...
Those who are asamskruta, their buddhi does not perceive God. What we consider as intellect is mixed up with our samskara. Our buddhi or samskara is bribed by anger and that's the reason why sermons and good sayings don't enter the mind. Mind should be purified and intellect as sharp as a nail.
Take a piece of wood - plane it first - then to give it a shine - polish it. This is what should be done to the intellect to perceive God.
A man with riches, power, recognition, all this tend to give him a celebrity status, outwardly he may look satisfied but deep within him stands a being with the soul energy still hungry to find the answer for the big concept - "who am i ", never satisfied with the worldly pomp and show.
When this fire of thought gets kindled he starts searching the world to get it, ultimately he realizes that the answer lies not in the outside world, but hidden deep within himself. No amount of praises, awards, fame, wealth or anything can satisfy the thirst of the soul.
The only answer to find peace for any soul is when he starts to dissolve all the egoistic thoughts with precious pure LOVE and LOVE. This Love when given without any expectations is the energy of the SOUL and the most important truth of life.
This Love when shared with the world multiplies manifold, never runs bankrupt and is always everlasting. This is the Selfless Love, pure and cherishing. Love so sweet - Love so healing, experienced instantly by all true hearts and is the magnetic force.
Always strive hard to cultivate this Love with your mind and soul sincerely, without any reservations. This is divine Love of the Almighty which only the soul can perceive and beyond words to describe, yet when one follows it - he realizes the power and peace which fills his heart.
God is a power, absolute being can be felt by His attributes alone. He is not bound by any culture, tradition, time or religion. He is the soul energy of the physical and the spiritual realm.
Selfish love
Selfish love can never be termed as pure love, here we do aspire to ask for something in return from the person we Love. It is like a business for profit a mutual give and take policy. Any thought and feelings which is done just to derive something is nothing but selfish, that is the reason it has to break up after a certain period of time when the desired results are not met.
This selfish love breaks even families, marriages, and even nations and is the cause for major hostilities in this world. Fought in the name of religion, creed, and for many materialistic gains.
Segregated thoughts on religion, caste and the like only make our Ego satisfied. Ego kindles domination and intolerance, criticism lastly even snatches the freedom which is gifted by god to love all. This is where man turns into a beast and likes to wage wars and has no regard even for fellow human beings. He forget that he was born to serve but not to destroy.
God's Love is free and absolute, not binding this Universe with his will. He never forces us into something. His love is never restricting love but free love.
The true spirit of humanity lies in amicably accepting all the flaws that exists in this world, in different spheres of life within ourselves and among our loved ones and still continue to love them without any reservations.
Never plant a seed of segregation which branches into hatred and bears flowers of enmity. We become blind with our own feelings, thoughts of judging others and force it even on our loved ones to accept things we say, thus we make the other soul a victim of our rage and anger.
Love should flow from our heart like a spring of water - always everlasting - without any restrictions.
Has it not been said in the Bible - "Love your enemies and pray for those who prosecute you, that you may be son of your Father in the heaven" Mathews (5: 44).
The power of Divine love is the main force which holds the world. Everything falls apart without this LOVE, which is free, always flowing abundantly, without any condition, heals the wound and soothes the soul. Truly said such is the power of Love in our world.
Well, why not just go introspective and think and find out the facts? As humans we all need tender love and care and search for the same. We have always craved for love never satisfied, gave several names to relationships, and yet loved one another only as long as we got back what we aspired for, only when it was reciprocated.
Have you ever loved an enemy – or another person who hates us? Was it true love when you said those words “I love you”, from the depth of your heart and soul? If you had really cared and loved someone so sincerely then you find a tremendous peace and comfort deep within you. It is a stage beyond the stage of “FORGIVING”, for even when you forgive you do have some marks left about a particular incident, but when you can love your enemy as much as you do love yourself then only the feeling of true love can be experienced.
Hey! Soul U who are created by the Divine
With grace and mercy you did come to Earth
A short journey yet worthwhile
A purpose to fulfill the Divine will
God made you in his image and loves you.
Bible quote – God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them - Genesis: (1, 27).
He created you for a purpose on this Earth, for a specified period of time. God loved you and made you to love yourself and others, share his love here in this world, equally to all creations and return back to him!
Love yourself for you are created in his image, just and pure, honor your body and soul for heart is the place where God resides in you. God made you to love because you are a being of love - made of love and made to learn to love. God depicted his infinite Love to the world by His works.
Divine Love is the song of the soul
A language unspoken
Quenches the thirst of the soul
Heals the wounded soul
In the journey of its Life on Earth
Rejoice once again in the Love of the Divine
We should radiate and be a reflection of God's divine love on Earth. It is the beauty of our entire nature which is a reflection of God's love for us, as an example of how we should learn to be to all our loved ones around us.
Our own life should reflect an equal amount of purity in reflecting our divine being towards all. Nature is a manifestation of God - all beauty and manifold loving aspects of nature shall help us to understand the nature of love to be developed within. It is only the divine love which can heal a soul of all its miseries and tormenting memories.
Love is man's original nature. We are divine beings of love and light. We long for love and care, Can it ever be denied? The soul yearns for Love. Divine love can free us, never be possessive.
Love has no extremities or limitations; it is beyond what a human brain can perceive, one should experience it to know it.
Love and love each other for all are made in the image of God! We are born out of a loving relationship, a gift from God. God’s love for us is infinite and hence we need to experience the same to give it freely to other souls. If you are sincerely caring and loving others - then you are free to fully absorb and enjoy all the savory love from others.
Always be on the check to know if your Love is true and free of Ego. Love, Love and Love that is what the world searches for... so sweet ... yet so sorry, still unable to find the same!!
The relationship to all various aspects of creation, nature, animal kingdom and mankind reflects your true attitude toward love. Here, we need to surrender to the Almighty just give our hearts and ask in a simple way to heal us of all infirmities hidden deep in us of which we are slaves, and be assured that He will make you the light of the World with the simple magic of Love.
True Love can be expressed in our ways of behavior in different aspects of life, being a good boss caring for his subordinate, a loving wife/husband, a sincere friend, a true lover being rational in thinking and considerate to others problems as well.
When we have developed the same purity of Divine Love within ourselves as God is radiating, we can merge with God. The difficulty of developing this Divine Love - from soul to soul is often is a lack of understanding of your nature in relation to God.
God created the whole creation, both the physical and the metaphysical one. Millions of Universes, astral planes and atomic planes, of unique splendor and beauty, each reflecting the glory of God. Out of his spirit and love made He all, for the love of all - out of his very own substance.
God's love is so sweet beyond measure, let us all share the same with one and all to rejoice in this world with sincerity and true Love.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Love is expressed in many ways. Nature is a manifestation of the Divine Love of God!
The manifold loving aspects and beauty of nature shall help us to understand the nature of love to be developed within ourselves so we can radiate the same to one and all.
Love reins all creations; Love is the highest of all laws! Love the language of the heart!
Look at the beautiful Sun rise at dawn
The humming bird with its colorful wings
Flowers with radiant colors
A treat and expression of Love!
The busy bee gathering honey for the day
The black beetles making its way through thick trees
Snow covered peaks looking silvery fresh
The Sun shines with its golden rays.
The gushing sound of the falls, roaring towards the valley
The chillness of the night, broken with the warmth of the morning light!
Majestically seated high the king of the forest
The meek deer, leaping high and low to the tune of nature’s blue.
The waves of the sea rise up and down
With lovers in its bosom – so true!
A baby, cherished and kissed in the arms of a loving mother,
The warmth of the father, so secure!
The Moon looks so pure and whole
The silence of the night brings peace to the soul
To start a day fresh with the rising Sun above
An inexpressible joy but feelings so true!
Yes, the Love of Mother Nature
Can we deny the gift from God above!!!
Mother Nature is a teacher and we can see God’s love in all things created by Him.
The beauty of the entire nature is a replica of God’s love for us, so we need to radiate the same love towards all our loved ones around us. The purity of the divine being is manifested as divine love towards one and all.
The whole world will be a vacuum, full of vanity, a loner’s paradise, full of deceit, envy, empty of love, unworthy in all aspects if there was no Love of God.
The power of the Divine Love is so kind that in spite of human transgressions, yet the Love of God does not change for us but always the same every flowing, endlessly.
Love so sweet - Love so healing - experienced instantly by all true hearts.
A few sweet words
A soothing song
A refreshing smile
A loving look
A soft touch of assurance
A caring heart
God is Love - nothing but Divine Love - whatever you do, He still loves you. He never stopped loving you in your past. His love is eternal and long lasting. Not the love you experience in this world.
There is still time for you to know him and his love, all you need to do is just open your heart and make a sincere call for his help and just surrender you ego and he takes care of the rest.
There will be a remarkable change in you. Man becomes an angel and beyond! Why not try and change now and be a recipient of his tender Love?
God’s love is not forced on anyone; He gives you the free will either to accept or to reject. God never punished you now or in the past, just have a look at his love, the nature is an example of his motherly love and care, still why doubt? Try now?
You stay on this planet just for sometime not for Eternity, we need to go back to our loving home, full of love and mercy, but you can only change your thoughts and take the decision and not the world for you! All this depends on you, for you are a soul with enormous power, if you wish so – you can go to your eternal home in this very incarnation and live in Eternal Bliss.
To attain this Divine Bliss all you need to do is just close your eyes and talk to God which we call prayer from the depth of your heart. Ask him to lead you in all walks of life, right from making decisions and to lead you at every step, ask for the gifts of the Spirit….
The gifts of the spirit of God being -
Love, Mercy, Honesty, Tolerance, Grace, Humility, Persistence, Hope, Patience, Kindness, Forgiveness and all the sweet things of the world.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Silence is the sound of the soul
Silence is a sign of acceptance
Silence is the language of the Universe,
Silence is the power of patience.
Silence is the song of the pure soul,
Experienced in the depth of the heart.
Amidst the noise around from nature’s fury
Man made sounds too!
Sing the song of silence which comes from Tranquility,
And stillness of the mind.
Emptying of the thoughts, all vanishing
To merge with the One - the Silent Abode.
Look at the world with Love and hope .When you look into the nature of things, with no prejudice, malice and with no presumption and assumption you are not preoccupied.
Your mind is creative and hence if you have an idea you can make it a reality. You strive hard to possess it and that is where the struggle begins. Play it safe if you need something for sure, try the means to attain it but do not burden yourself.
The mind is cluttered with so many ideas, so spontaneous, that even the simplest thing becomes difficult to achieve for lack of concentration.
Take life as a poetry and persuade it in the right direction. Just do not argue, play the fiddle right to hear the music. Treat life aesthetically to the very core, but not ascetically.
Look for the beauty around, in reality, in nature, listen to the humming sounds of the birds, the cluttering of the leaves, the dance of the peacock, in the clouds, in the rainbow, in the sea and the shore! The nature looks beautiful!
Meditate with a clear vision – that is the power of concentration, in Silence, you need not go anywhere, you need not seek or search anything. Things will happen when you relax, you fall into tremendous restfulness.
The best forms of meditation are this when you are fully relaxed and feel one with nature and experience the calmness from within.
Drop all your worries and feel eased become a silent pool of energy, with little practice your thoughts does not stray. This is the point when God’s energy the Universal power flows within you from all sides. Do nothing except to sit and feel the same.
These is no need to even utter a “mantra”, a sound syllable, cause if you are repeating a Mantra still your mind is thinking and not silent.
The best meditating way is, when thoughts keep coming and going again and again, but now you are not concerned just be calm and relax. Let the mind settle it needs a little bit of practice and effort and this comes with time.If you feel tired, you lie down. If you feel your legs getting tense, you spread them.
You remain natural, no compulsions of any form. Be one with nature and relax in peace.
Silence is a way to look beyond and into one’s life. It works like a medicine. Science leads to discoveries, it’s fascinating to experiment, and then it reveals the mystery with certain proofs.
Life itself is a mystery hence it has to be lived with it and should be experienced rather than said. One has to evolve, move into it, cherish, relish and live in it. Life is full of celebration when we know how to live it. That is where we get the key to miracles and witness the change in us, hence the key for the same lies within us and cannot be found from somewhere else in the world. Discover oneself from within and not from outside.
The best part is when you have understood this and experienced the same you do not cling to any commandments, or laws but rather you become more sensitive and hence this sensitivity leads you to morality. One need not follow a code of conduct; life itself becomes a shining light for others to follow which arises from us, which is out of our Consciousness.
At this point you now realize that power of discrimination and your consciousness becomes your conscience. There is no power and witness other than our conscience. All this is attained from the inner truth with utmost care from the voice within!
When you come to this stage you tend to do your duty and responsibility with Love and affection and not because you need to do it. The whole world becomes your family and there is no soul whom you may hate. Life is no more a pain but a joy to live not reluctantly but with a new hope and vision. When you enjoy doing it, it becomes your love. This Love is pure and unconditional, magnetic and engulfs the whole world. Its presence is felt here and all over the Universe a great connectivity to all souls. It is the eternal truth – call it by any name – it’s the Truth.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Oh! Soul, we are all one though look many in form
A single eternal soul in the journey of Life.
Searching all around for the Love of our home
Distant through our act of Karma and action.
Forgotten the power we have within
Endlessly grumbling at this drama of Life.
Why not end to the finish the fight
Back to relax and be united with the Divine Bliss!
All of us are learners in this path to divinity
Why not share the Love we have for the world is our family too.
We are all one with the Eternal Conscious
No diversity, except for Unity through unconditional Love.
The thoughts we think are all expressions of the One divine being the absolute Universal soul. These thoughts do lead us to the
All of us know that there is an unsolved question within us, which keeps us awake with our conscious. The simple search being “Who am I ?”.
Yes, why not find and answer for the same… that is the voice of the soul. Can anyone deny it? No, not, we just try to ignore the thought in the busy rustling of life.
Our very nature is to rise to spiritual evolution, if not now and then when?Thoughts do come in silence, asking for an answer. Every thought lays a mark and a print on our conscious and makes us do some act or karma out of it.The mind is the seat of thoughts and then when analyzed with our hearts can we be successful to do it successfully. Is there any copyright to the thoughts?
Our life is a mirror and what we share reflects back to us. Well, to make a wonderful world outside let us try to keep our mind clear with divine thoughts, away from vices with the sweet fragrance of unconditional love, care and affection for every living being on this Earth.
Let us never be touched by the selfish acts and the egoistic blues which gives us satisfaction for a while. Yes, truly said change your thoughts and then we can give the world the best, it will surely make the difference. You transform as a new individual with a new spiritual regeneration, to evolve spiritually, does not look for sympathy rather be sympathetic to others.
There is a change in your attitude not to do a certain act for gaining something “punyam”, or “even a place in heaven”, or for fame, rather you consider the whole world as your own, because that is the change you find now in this flow of Cosmic Energy – a refined soul full of Love.
The lives of all great masters reflect the same. They worked together emphasized on the principles of unity and the universal natural law of Love to give, without expectations, the principle of unconditional love
The best of teachers were Swami Vivekananda a soul winning Orator too, spoke on Spiritual awakening is a foundation for every activity of life.
God realized soul will not look for the pomp and show and praises of common man for this is all he can get from this material world! He rises above this to discharge his duties most efficiently committed for selfless social cause. The strength comes from spiritual awakening which is a gigantic power which has to be realized.
In the journey of life -
From the form to the formless
From the body to the soul within
To connect from the soul within me
To reach out to others from within the depth of Silence within me to that unbounded omnipresent Divine not just in me found in all humanity.
Life when understood this way has a new concept and dimension to it and then our journey on Earth will become truly a journey to our way back home.